During September 2022, New Ventures Australia is honoured to be welcoming to Queensland for the first time Futurist and Chair for The Future of Work at Singularity University Gary Bolles, following the success of his presentation on The Great Reset in 2021 for the DELF OZ webinar series.
Join us for a face to face free public presentation in Brisbane on Wednsday the 7th of September at The Precinct, Fortitude Valley, Sponsored by Advance Queensland and Jobs Queensland. The seminar will offer insights into The Future of Work in Queensland and Beyond, and practical guides for work in the post-pandemic era taken from Gary’s recently published book “The Next Rules of Work,”.
In this presentation you will learn:
What does the future of work look like & what trends are emerging?
How can organizations better manage workforce transformation?
What strategies and best practices are proving to be successful?
If you can not join us in Brisbane, Gary will also presenting on the Gold Coast, Thursday the 8th Septemeber at the Southern Cross University Campus supported by The Gold Coast Hub. Further details TBA.
How Millennials and Gen Z are redefining the meaning of work
with Guy Ryan, CEO & Founder – Inspiring Stories
6.00am AEST Wednesday 10 November
New Ventures Australia is prove to be supporting our New Zealand colleagues, Project Connects last online webinar for 2021.
Project Connect has been featuring international thought leaders F2F in NZ for the past 8 years. We’ve had to pivot to virtual talks since not possible to fly speakers into NZ during this past 18 months.
Guy Ryan is our 50th presenter to date. Guy’s focus is on the millennial & Gen-Z mindset when it comes to WORK. Given Guy’s specific background, he is eminently qualified to tackle this topic offering up many valuable insights from his unique perspective.
Most recently since mid-’21, Project Connect has featured an impressive‘A’-list of presenters via Project Connect virtual, live-streamsincluding:
• April Rinne, whose book FLUX is a superlative resource in these consistently shifting uncertain times.https://aprilrinne.com/
• Dr. Alvy Ray Smith, the Co-founder of Pixar, whose tomb about the history of visual computing is now simply the definitive “look back” book on the subject.https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/biography-pixel & most recently,
• Audrea Topps Harjo talking about collaboration as the key to managing huge projects and how to best optimize performance and deliverables among remote specialized talent and on-site teams.https://the-project.co.nz/project-connect#Speakers
Understanding Next-Gen Talent
How Millennials and Gen Z are redefining the meaning of work
with Guy Ryan, CEO & Founder – Inspiring Stories
Who are the younger generations, and what do they want? Who do they want to work for? How can we gain their loyalty? Our next (and final) Project Connect event for 2021 takes us deep into the world of Millennials and Gen Z.
Award-winning entrepreneur and 2015 Young New Zealander of the Year, Guy Ryan, will explore what it is that motivates, excites and inspires the next wave of Kiwi talent.
Guy is an Edmund Hillary Fellow, was awarded Young New Zealander of the Year in 2015, and has represented New Zealand at various international summits.
Come and join us for a free online event and find out about:
How Guy and his team have built one of the most diverse and influential tribes in the country with Festival for the Future & The Impact Awards
The purpose economy and the rise of impact-driven businesses
Why purpose matters just as much as a paycheque for attracting the next generation
How big business can make a big difference for the next generation
Guy grew up in a tiny village on the West Coast of New Zealand’s South Island called Granity. He played every sport possible, was far too competitive, and often too cheeky. He was the first in his family to study at University, completing a double degree in design and commerce, and then a Masters in Science Communication from the University of Otago. The documentary he co-produced as part of his Masters – Carving the Future – followed four young New Zealanders taking action on climate change and environmental issues, and went on to win awards and screen in over 50 countries.
In 2011, Guy founded Inspiring Stories – a Kiwi charity that began with a bold vision to back young people to change the world and has become an intergenerational movement for impact.
From an initial one-off grant of $80,000 from the Vodafone Foundation, Inspiring Stories now turns over more than $1M in annual revenues and operates with a team of staff in 10 communities nationwide. Key initiatives include New Zealand’s largest social innovation summit, Festival for the Future; The Impact Awards, which celebrates young New Zealanders making a difference with $30,000 in prizes; and the year-round Future Leaders programme, which is changing lives for a diverse range of young people in some of New Zealand’s most challenged rural and provincial communities.
Over the past decade Guy and the team have built a 12,000-strong tribe of alumni and supporters; provided more than $85,000 in awards and seed funding for young social entrepreneurs; and invested more than $2.5M into life-changing scholarship opportunities.
In 2020, New Ventures Australia created and launched The Digital Entrepreneur’s Leadership Forum (DELF) OZ virtual webinar series in response to the Covid19 pandemic. The theme of the series was the future of digital (media& technology) emerging in the “new normal”.
A topic which proved to be of most interest and sparking ongoing dialogue and discussion was The Future of Work and the Great Reset, the title of a presentation given by Gary Bolles, faculty Chair for the Future of Work at Singularity University.
Continuing our partnership with Gary Bolles, New Ventures Australia is excited to announce and support Global Skills Day on July 20th, 2021, (PDT time) This inspirational thoughts leader’s conference is designed to create a shared vision of an inclusive future for work and learning.
What is Global Skills Day?
Global Skills Day 2021 is a FREE worldwide virtual gathering to collaborate on the future of work and learning as we envision a post-pandemic world. Every country and community can benefit from learning the skills needed to innovate as entrepreneurs and “intrapreneurs” in organizations. At GSD21, you’ll learn from innovators around the world using skills-centric approaches to solving the problems of today and tomorrow.
GSD21 will include an Innovation Fair, inviting startups and providers from around the world to showcase their solutions for understanding, connecting, and maximizing human skills. World-class speakers from 27 countries include Google CMO Americas Lisa Gevelber, management guru John Hagel, Edcast CEO Karl Mehta, Mercer global lead for transformation services Ravin Jesuthasan, and leaders from business, non-profits, government, and education.
Global Skills Day 2021 will feature a number of keynote interview sessions with world-class speakers from around the global including:
LISA GEVELBER, CMO Americas, Google / Grow With Google
BYRON AUGUSTE, CEO, Opportunity@Work
ARNE DUNCAN, Managing Partner, Emerson Collective, and former US Secretary of Education
JOHN HAGEL, Founder, Beyond Our Edge LLC
CHARLENE LI, Author, “The Disruption Mindset” (USA)
KAILA COLBIN, Boma (New Zealand)
JOHN FALLON, former CEO, Pearson
JAMIE MERISOTIS, CEO, Lumina Foundation
Followed by breakout tracks covering four themes
Future of work
Future of Learning
Hacking HR
MediaSense Founder Hal Josephson, also a Co-founder of The Digital Entrepreneur’s Leadership Forum (DELF) series will moderate the first Future of Work session of the day:
“As the world starts returning to the workplace and experimenting with “hybrid work,” what skills do workers, managers, and teams need to have to thrive in a newly-reimagined world of work?
With: John O’ Duinn, CivicActions (USA) Denise Brouder, SWAY Workplace (USA) Jo Palmer, Pointer Remote (Australia) Peter du Toit, FutureWork IQ (South Africa) Lorraine Charles, Na’amal (UAE)
Join us for an engaging session and topic of both relevance and impact to the Asia pacific region.
Global Skills Day is chaired by Gary A. Bolles, author of The Next Rules of Work (Kogan Page, August 2021). Gary is a frequent lecturer, writer and consultant on the future of work, learning, and the organization. Gary serves as the Chair for the Future of Work for Singularity University. Global Skills Day is produced by Heidi C. Kleinmaus, a former entertainment and international marketing executive, and frequent conference producer and speaker manager. Together, Gary and Heidi are Charrette LLC, a San Francisco-based consultancy as well as co-founders of eParachute.com, providing career-change strategies for a range of populations, based on the world’s best-selling career manual What Color Is Your Parachute?
Gary Bolles -Chair for the Future of Work, Singularity University
The Great Digital Reset
Gary Bolles: Chair of the Future of Work, Singularity University
The Corona Virus (C-19) Shutdown has hastened the “Digital Reset” globally – Robotics and automation were already causing job loss and business disruption, but the C-19 has favoured existing digital marketplace monopolies, like Amazon, eBay, Uber, hollowing out the middle class and family businesses, replacing customer loyalty with a “platform thinking paradigm – access, quality & price.
But, at the bottom, start-up opportunities abound digitalizing inefficient “legacy “business processes (faster, cheaper, better) plus localisation e.g. farmers markets, quality local products or services. In the USA 97% of new jobs are created in these nimble “start-up” businesses [less than 5 yrs. old] Sadly, 100 000 US businesses will NOT reopen post CV-19 leaving market gaps for new start-ups.
Emerging Management Models – CV-19 has also fast tracked working from home – a new distributed “worker skills” network challenging traditional command & control HR models. Australia & NZ have dispersed regions, so find talent where talent lives and let it stay there, is the new normal. “Management by surveillance” hierarchy will go – leaders must empower & mentor workers to reach goals, a disruption mind-set of continually solving customers problems -rather than slaves to process. It’s easier to innovate at the edge of organizations and work in towards the calcified core (John Hagel) The New Construct is digital skills for ALL workers – non digital jobs won’t exist soon.
Emerging Digital Supply Chains – Within supply chains bits are free (info) v expensive atoms (moving physical goods), so digitally track atoms (physical goods) to create digital information, for example selling and tracking food exports digitally into Asia. Digital flows are very high in Asia but low digital flow between Aus./NZ and Asia reflect poor infrastructure speed which MUST strengthen, because communities & organisations MUST have strong digital supply chains + digital worker collaboration.
Government Jobs Role – Strong communities with high social cohesion, can utilise existing skills and retrain workers to adapt to new market opportunities – reinvent themselves. If you allow older workers or handicapped to become irrelevant – the community and government is failing. It is tempting to import migrant labour vs. retrain. Strong cohesive communities can collectively reinvent themselves and retrain, for example, AI robotics programming, organic foods export etc. Post CV-19 the governments (globally) MUST first kick-start demand (customer spending), help communities Develop strong Capital, HR networks, help political leaders understand they (as change leaders) need new skill sets, need to take risks. Our political leaders must be Competent, Compassionate, Courageous – as drivers of change within the Great Digital Reset.
Gary Bolles: The Future of Work: planning for what’s next webinar playlist
We hope you will join us for ourJune 2020 webinar to gain new insights and learn about digital technology & investors trends in the US & China from Silicon Valley expert: Edith Yeung
Stewart Gow and David Cotton recently were interviewed by Scott Farley, industrial designer, in the first of a series exploring private angel investing from the perspective of both the investor and entrepreneur.
Gain insights & learn about Digital Technology + Investors Trends in the US & China from Silicon Valley expert
New Ventures Australia is excited to announcement in 2020 our partnership with international thought leadership forums Producer Hal Josephson of MediaSense, in a collaboration to attract global industry experts in the digital technology and investment sectors to Queensland for a global partnership series and workshops.
To launch the series we have invited Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist, Technology Executive and China Internet Expert, Ms Edith Yeung this April to share her knowledge and insights on the future of business, tech trends and investments in the USA & China and its implementations for Australia, your career and future job skills.
‘Proudly supported by the Advance Queensland initiative.’
Update 16th May – Due to the restrictions as a result of Covid-19 this event has been gone virtual and apart of our DELF OZ Virtual Webinar Series – Please contact us for more details.
Highlights – Edith Yeung’s Silicon Valley News Playlist
Brisbane – (Opening launch) Tech Trends, VC Investments, Job Skills for the Future
A copy of The BRAND BRIDGE: How to Build a Profound Connection Between Your Company, Your Brand, and Your Customers by Author Jerome Conlon & Langdon Morris finally arrived after its launch on Amazon in the USA early this year, a follow up to the Authors previous book Soulful Branding. Having collaborated with Mr Conlon and from first hand experiences we can attest to the valuable insights The BRAND BRIDGE offers and highly recommend this book.
While Soulful Branding planted the seeds, its successor The BRAND BRIDGE offers a practical frameworks and road map on the subject of marketing and branding enabling you as a storyteller to branch out from the norm and create your unique brand identity.
As our clients venture to cross the cultural bridge into Asia the brand building road map provided by The BRAND BRIDGE and it wonderful predecessor Soulful Branding will equip our companies with tools and strategies needed to prosper as well enrich their market entry journey.
An essential read for every aspiring Entrepreneur and Marketing & Brand professional. We wish Mr Conlon and the book all the success it desires.
The New Ventures Australia Group is excited to announce that South Pacific Elixirs Ltd (Brand name: Taki Mai ), one of our first ventures our group partnered with and subsequently became pre-listing investors has recently listed on the ASX Stock Exchange as Fiji Kava Limited (ASX code: FIJ ) and successfully raise $5.2 million Australian dollars in capital for future growth.
Last week, The New Ventures Australia Group hosted a large Chinese delegation from China’s Food & Drug Administration from Henan Province, Considered the birthplace of Chinese civilization, north west of Shanghai. The delegation which included the Deputy Inspector and numerous senior officials participated in a study program designed to provide insights into Australia’s Food Safety framework and best practices.
After spending two weeks of a three week program in Sydney, Mr Stewart Gow and Mr Ross Naidoo the Senior Food Science Liaison Officer from Queensland’s Department of Agriculture & Fisheries welcomed the delegates to Brisbane for their final series of lectures and factory visits. Mr Naidoo presented an engaging lecture on the overall Food Safety framework within Australia to the group with the highlights being the mechanisms that influenced each element and its challenges initiating lively debate with the delegates.
Follow Mr Naidoo, Dr John Hines a Food Safety expert having over 25 year experiences working at the Government policy level and private sector presented business cases studies and best practices scenarios from the private sector and supermarkets chains perspective. On the backdrop of the current Strawberry Needle Tampering Crisis, Dr Hine also highlighted deficiencies with the Food Safety framework as well as insights on future actions and amendments in order to prevent similar incidences occurring again.
Finally concluding the study program, The delegates visited the Buderim Ginger Factory, One of the largest ginger factories in world for a private factory tour and were treated on its completion with tasting of a range of Buderim Gingers famous range of ginger products, Assisted by Translation Express’s Brisbane Interpreter Mrs Gubby Chen as well as a visit to The Nutworks Chocolate Factory situated next door which specializes in Macadamia nut confectionery. Feedback from the participates has been extremely positive for the Brisbane program and the New Ventures Australia Group looks forwarding to working with our Sydney colleagues at Winglong to create and host further educational and cultural exchange programs in future.
The New Ventures Australia Group is proud to announce its new partnership with the Winglong agency in Sydney, One of only a few Chinese State Government authorized agents in Australia which arranges professional development programs and Australian tours for high level Chinese official’s and delegates. This month Mr Stewart Gow and Dr Alick Lau were invited by Winglong to host and design a five day program for The Guangxi Financial Investment Group (GFIG) from the Guangxi Province of Southern China.
The Guangxi Financial Investment Group is a 15 Billion (AUD) state owned banking organisation with over 4,500 employee lead by Chairmen Mr Meng Kunwei who has been awarded the title of “Top Ten Entrepreneur of Guangxi” for three consecutive years and “Outstanding Entrepreneurs of the Year” (2017-2018) for his contributions in the province’s economic development.
Leading the delegation. Mr Meng along with the groups Vice President, The General Counsel and Regional General Managers visited Australia in order to gain exposure to international business practices and to learn about the Australian banking and finance system.
Through its Queensland networks New Ventures Australia arranged site visits and a series of industry experts and Queensland State Government Officers to present to the delegation on topics spanning governments grants and R&D commiseration through to investment banking and corporate governance.
A highlight of the visit for the delegation was a welcome and presentation on innovation in Queensland by Executive Director Paul Russell, in charge of The Advance Queensland Innovation and Entrepreneurship programs.
Follow by a tour of The Precinct innovation hub in Fortitude Valley by lead by Alan Murgatroyd from the Department of Innovation, Tourism Industry Development and the Commonwealth Games, supported by translator Gubby Chen.
The province of Guangxi possesses an agricultural based economy similar to Queensland’s own, which made the presentation from Cameron Macmillian, CEO of the Queensland Rural & Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) of extreme interest to the delegates leading to a lively exchange of dialogue dispirit the language barriers.
The five day program also included lectures from turn-around specialist David Cotton at Ipswich incubator Firestation 101, Where Mr Cotton presented successful case study and how they were achieved.
Dr Anthony Musumeci, Investment Manager from UniSeed lectured on the topic of commercialization and economic development using Australian university success stories.
Corporate Adviser and Entrepreneur, Stephen Copplin discusses the importance of Angel networks and the role of private equity for startups
Business banking specialist, Doug Smith provided personal insights into Australian Banking, SME loans and Risk management supported by his 30 years industry experience.
Concluding the visit senior partner’s from BDO Australia, Peter Winterflood and Dylan Bynre talks to the delegation about good corporate governance practices and compliance within Australia.