Gain insights & learn about Digital Technology + Investors Trends in the US & China from Silicon Valley expert
Update 10th June – This presentation will now be included in our Digital Entrepreneur’s Leadership Forum Virtual Webinar Series, to learn more visit our DELF OZ Virtual page or RSVP in link below.
Update 30th March – Due to the current restrictions as a result of Covid-19 this event has been postponed until further notice – Please contact us for more details.
In an uncertain world with rapid technological advancements, the need to invest in the future has never been more essential whether as a organisation, as an Executive in management, a Techie, Entrepreneur or recent graduate.
As a response to this future in 2020 New Ventures Australia is attracting the worlds best innovators, authorities and industry experts to Brisbane, Queensland in a series of Thought Leadership Forums and workshops to share with us key industry and technology insights to future proof your organisation or career. Learn what it means to be doing business in 2020 and the skills needed to navigate the coming decade and Digital future.
To launch the program in April we have invited Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist, Technology Executive and China Internet Expert, Ms Edith Yeung to share her knowledge and insights on the future of business, tech trends and investments in the USA & China and its implementations for Australia, your career and future job skills.
Join us July 2nd
‘Proudly supported by the Advance Queensland initiative’
About Edith
Edith Yeung is a General Partner at Proof of Capital (an early-stage Silicon Valley venture capital fund), creator of the China Internet Report and Advisor at 500 Startups – the world’s most active early-stage incubator. Recognized by Inc Magazine as one of the Silicon Valley investors you must know, Edith invested in Stellar (valued at $1.2), Silk Labs (acquired by Apple), Fleksy (acquired by Pinterest), Human (acquired by Mapbox), Palantir, AISense, Solona, RapidAPI, Hooked, DayDayCook, and many more.
Before 500, Edith is the general manager at Dolphin Browser, a Sequoia-backed mobile browser with over 150 million installs worldwide. Edith also worked with many Fortune 500 companies such as Siebel, Oracle, AMS, AT&T Wireless and Autodesk. She is a frequent commentator and opinion leader on BBC, CNBC, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, SCMP, Techcrunch, etc.
She frequently speaks on China and Silicon Valley technology and investment landscape. She is also a frequent guest lecturer at Berkeley and Stanford.
Edith’s Yeung website – https://www.edith.co/
Race Capital – https://race.capital/
Founders Hong Kong – https://www.foundershk.com/
Edith’s Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/edithyeung/
Edith’s latest newsletter is available – https://www.silicon.news
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Founders Forum