By special arrangement, DELF Australia has received streaming rights to the Design Thinking 2.0 session from The Mindset of Design, Wellington, New Zealand 2020 programme for Australia
About MOD: modwellington.com
In this Design Thinking 2.0 session, Hal Josephson, Founder of MediaSense™ and Program Chair for Project Connect: GREAT Minds Thinking Differently will dialogue with his son in San Francisco, James who is a Product Designer @ Facebook and Master’s Degree candidate in Stanford’s d.school Design Impact program.
Topics will range from trends in design thinking, challenges amidst Covid-19 and best practices for achieving superlative, impactful results.
Good design makes a HUGE difference. A 10-year study of the Standard & Poor’s index shows design-led companies outperformed other organisations by over 200%.
If you google “design thinking” you will come up with enough results to keep you reading and surfing for days. The good news is that there is a lot of information out there for anyone looking to better understand what design thinking is and how it can be put to practice.
Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO, an exemplar Silicon Valley firm fully immersed in design thinking methodology says “The myth of innovation is that brilliant ideas leap fully formed from the minds of geniuses”. The reality is that most innovations come from a process of rigorous examination through which great ideas are identified and developed before being realised as new product/service offerings and/or capabilities.” Tim espouses that that the techniques and strategies of design belong at every level of business.
Design Thinking is not solely about solving problems but about creating optimal solutions that are sustainable over time. A goal is to create solutions that are so well thought-out that others may see your solution by design as an elegant response to a problem, project or challenge.
Who is this for?
UX & UI designers specifically but anyone applying principles of design to finding solutions.
Key Takeaways — you will hear perspectives about:
- Approaches and best practices when thinking about design
- Current “design thinking” trends emerging from SF & Silicon Valley
- Challenges in applying design thinking to create elegant solutions
Webinar Highlights
Highlights of past webinars can be viewed on Youtube including Gary A. Bolles Future of Work: Planning for Whats Next Post Covid19 for Australasia @https://tinyurl.com/y643kmb6
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MediaSense or Hal Josephson: http://haljo.com