Ten Timeless Business Tips (From a serial solo/entrepreneur)
Hal Josephson is an international business development specialist, market strategist, thought-leadership event organizer and author of Life-Size Story, his forthcoming book scheduled for release in 2021.
Hal is the Founder of MediaSense™, a global business development firm focusing on technology, media and digital sectors. Clients have included: Apple, Motorola, AT&T, InfoTech Canada, Reed-Midem, Callaghan Innovation, Movio, Australia Multimedia Enterprise (AME), China Access, InternetWire, Shui-on, Tynax, Natcom, Auckland University of Technology (AUT) and Hong Kong Cyberport.
Hal Josephson was a serial entrepreneur for over 20 years while living in Aspen, Boulder, Silicon Valley and San Francisco. During this period, Hal co-founded five USA companies. These businesses focused on video production, teleconferencing, tele-skills™ training, satellite downlinks & communication and technology IP licensing.
Hal then migrated into organizing and producing cutting- edge media/technology conferences and digital thought leadership events. These include the first “Hollywood Meets Silicon Valley” conference, Lights Camera Interaction, Digital World, Envision, the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), New Media in the 90’s, Project Digital Disruption & the Digital Entrepreneur’s Leadership Forum (DELF).
During the late 90’s and throughout the “naughties”, Hal worked in the economic development sector, in parallel to high profile events in the Asia Pacific region. These were private sector led initiatives to drive business impact prior, during & after the Sydney & Beijing Games, Melbourne Commonwealth Games as well as Shanghai’s World Expo.
Hal has spoken at industry conferences throughout North America, Europe, and Asia including MILIA, SXSW, The World IT Summit, MacWorld, The Adelaide Film Festival, The World Congress on IT, AIMIA, Digital World, TEDx, KEA’s Inspire series, and Pecha Kucha, Hal is the author of Careers in Multimedia: Roles and Resources and has written numerous articles about technology, business and marketing for New Scientist, New Media, Metro Magazine, ViewFinder, Video Gamer, and Conferenza
It’s an understatement to say that it has been a chaotic, difficult and demoralizing year. Everyone and every business globally has encountered an enormous amount of stress and likely unprecedented impact due to Covid-19. Amidst the huge personal and professional disruption, we are all trying to cope. The current complex challenges have us living in the era of RE: – rethink, reimagine, reschedule, redo, rebuild, regroup, resolve, reboot & reset. Our business and personal lives may never be the same; however, fingers crossed, we will flex as needed with the magnitude of this global flux and thrive once again.
There’s a maxim that goes, “if you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got”. In today’s increasingly complex global economy, change is not an option; it is a necessity. Whether it may be revitalizing one’s business model, a new get-to-market strategy or introducing innovative techniques, $uccess is more difficult to achieve than ever before. In today’s exponentially paced business environment, business leaders and managers must constantly and consistently be alert, agile and ready to act decisively.
Hal’s presentation invites entrepreneurial leaders to rethink, re-energize and rejuvenate their existing approach to 21st Century business. This talk provides insight & perspective on creative strategies, tactics and best practices that can help entrepreneurs & solopreneurs, as well as business/team managers lift their game.
Hal’s “connect-the-dots” presentation addresses the following questions:
• What world-class best practices can help you develop and deliver your innovative products, services and brands more creatively and effectively?
• How can new technologies and techniques power your business model by driving innovative go-to-market strategies, tactics and/or revitalized plans?
• What should smart entrepreneurs and savvy businesses do “to disrupt, rather than be disrupted” and thus, proactively best position for future success?
Hal Josephson | Founder, MediaSense | http://haljo.com
Program Chair | Project Connect | http://www.the-project.co.nz
Program Chair | DELF | http://delf.cyberport.hk
Director | TradeOff | http://www.tradeoffgame.com
Director | FulbrightNZ | http://fulbright.org.nz